Xkeyscore search engine download
Xkeyscore search engine download

Do you have a reddit account subscribed to /r/anarchy or some other subreddit they would consider extremist. What other online habits do you have that they may be paying attention to. But as the name implies, this may contribute to an overall “score” to make conclusions about whether you are a high value target or not. Yes they are paying attention to people that are privacy conscious, yes they are targeting Tor users, yes they are paying attention to people that visit the Tor web page. The conclusion may be (and it’s an obvious one) what you’re seeing of XKeyscore is a tiny fraction of the overall picture. That’s not as sexy of a phrase to repeat throughout your book tour though. As of right now, the NSA’s collection initiatives lean more towards collecting quantifiable properties which have the highest reward and the lowest storage cost. It’s true there is a broad collection net, but the NSA is not collecting everything about you. XKeyscore is part of the “Collect” and “Process” phases of the life cycle where in this case they are collecting your habits and correlating it to an IP address. Greenwald and others will show evidence that the NSA’s goal is to, as they say “collect it all” but this isn’t a literal turn of phrase. Some of us are a bit up-in-arms, about Tor users specifically being targeted by the NSA, and while that’s a pretty safe conclusion, I don’t think it takes into account what the full system is really doing. As I’ve written about before, the Intelligence Lifecycle (something that the NSA and other Five Eyes know all to well) consists more-or-less of these key phases: Identify, Collect, Process, Analyze, and Disseminate. I wanted to provide some perspective of how XKeyscore fits into an overall surveillance system before jumping out of our collective pants.

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If you’re like me, you’re probably getting inundated with posts about how the latest revelations show that NSA specifically tracks Tor users and the privacy conscious.

Xkeyscore search engine download