Jareg raid shadow legends reddit
Jareg raid shadow legends reddit

jareg raid shadow legends reddit

I can go for the first dozen or so turns without worrying about Dec att landing and still be alright, but it gets tougher to combat it after that point. Acc wise, he's pretty good, mostly from revenge banner giving 96 of his total 230. If his passive procced for each hit transferred to him from the aoe, that'd be sick as he would stay topped every turn until he got 1shot. His def is horrible imo at 2.4k but he sits at 60k hp. I know I need to look for some better gear, and my playtime and auto time is relegated to D20, S14 (best I can consistently auto at this point) and FW. Sucked on the last roll to 16 for his chest that a CD stat popped.until I get another 5 or 6* speed set chest with at least a 13 speed stat and hp% with a def% main stat, I can't really do much about it. Started at like 6-7 mil a key when I was 2k on brutal and gotten it now to where I'm consistently getting 18m or more, which satisfies me not having to buy a 5th key or carry one over from the day before.Ĭrit damage was new to me for the protector but once I learned of it, I reduced it as best as I could. I went with everyone but Jareg going after the boss to try and minimize the opportunity that the ally protect would wear off before the boss hits them that round.not sure if that was the right route to go but so far it has been a decently opted decision. Yeah, speed is something I'm still trying to work on.

Jareg raid shadow legends reddit